Guest lecture by Dr. Sachin Ketkar

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Guest lecture by Dr. Sachin Ketkar

Guest lecture by Dr. Sachin Ketkar

A lecture by the guest speaker, Dr. Sachin Ketkar was arranged for the students of visual arts, music, dance and film of IBP 1 and 2 on 30th September, 2020. He spoke on Martin Heidegger’s path breaking essay ” The Origin of Work of Art” as an instance of his sharp critique of modern western aesthetics as well as all forms of ‘theories of knowledge’ in which Heidegger

comparatively draws upon various forms of artistic expression (visual, architectural and poetic-literary) to make his point. As Theory of Knowledge and philosophical inquiry forms an important component of IB curriculum, the lecture by Dr. Ketkar proved useful for the students to gain a very different perspective on the ways of seeing a work of art beyond the realm of aesthetics.

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